Nele Noesselt
Nele Noesselt is professor of Political Science and Politics of East Asia/China at the Institute of Political Science and the Institute of East Asian Studies (IN-EAST) at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. Her research agenda ranges from general issues of comparative politics and domestic governance to world politics and theories of international relations.
Professor (Chair) of Political Science and Politics of East Asia/China at the Institute of Political Science and the Institute of East Asian Studies, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Habilitation in Political Science
PhD in Political Science
PhD in Modern Chinese Studies
Research Fellow at the GIGA Institute of Asian Studies; Spokesperson GIGA Research Team Comparative Regionalism Research; Editorial Team: Journal of Current Chinese Affairs
Assistant professor ("Akademische Raetin") with a focus on Chinese Politics at the University of Goettingen, Germany
Studies and doctoral studies in Chinese Studies and Political Science in Heidelberg, Beijing, Vienna
Publications (selection)
Noesselt, Nele (2012), Governance-Formen in China: Theorie und Praxis des chinesischen Modells (Governance in China: Theory and Practice of the Chinese Model). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Noesselt, Nele (2010), Alternative Weltordnungsmodelle? IB-Diskurse in China (Alternative Models of World Order? International Relations Discourses in China). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.
Noesselt, Nele (2008), Die Beziehungen der EU zu China und Taiwan – Hintergründe und Perzeptionen (The EU's Relations with China and Taiwan: Background Constellations and Perceptions). Hamburg: Kovacs.
Noesselt, Nele (2021), Chinese Politics: National and Global Dimensions. Baden-Baden: Nomos. (3rd, updated and revised English version of my 2016 textbook).
Noesselt, Nele (2018), Chinesische Politik: Nationale und globale Dimensionen (Chinese Politics: National and Global Dimensions). Baden-Baden: Nomos (2nd (updated and revised) edition).
Noesselt, Nele (2016), Chinesische Politik: Nationale und globale Dimensionen (Chinese Politics: National and Global Dimensions). Baden-Baden: Nomos /Rote Reihe UTB.
Edited Volumes
Noesselt, Nele (ed.) (2020), China's Interactions with Latin America and the Caribbean: Conquering the US's Strategic Backyard? Baden-Baden: Tectum/Nomos.
Noesselt, Nele/Hartmann, Christof (eds.) (2019/2020), China's New Role in African Politics: From Non-Intervention towards Stabilization? London/New York: Routledge.
Noesselt, Nele (ed.) (2019), Reassessing Chinese Politics: National System Dynamics and Global Implications. Baden-Baden: Tectum/Nomos.
Noesselt, Nele (ed.) (2018), Governance Innovation and Policy Change: Re-Calibrations of Chinese Politics under Xi Jinping. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
Journal Articles, Book Chapters, Essays (selection)
Noesselt, Nele (2021), China's New Regional Responsiveness: Passive Agency and Counter-agency in Processes of Democratic Transitions in Asia, Democratization, 28:1, 219-236.
Noesselt, Nele (2020), A Presidential Signature Initiative: Xiong'an and Governance Modernization under Xi Jinping, Journal of Contemporary China, DOI: 10.1080/10670564.2020.1744378.
Noesselt, Nele/Taube, Markus (2020), Chinas Neue Seidenstraße: Ein Marshall-Plan für die Welt?, ChinaContact, 3, 12-15.
Noesselt, Nele (2020), Microblogs and the Transformation of Political Debate. In: Latham, Kevin (ed.), Routledge Handbook on Chinese Culture and Society. London; New York: Routledge, 343-360.
Noesselt, Nele (2020), Ein Land, zwei Systeme: Genese und Auslegung eines Schlüsselkonzepts (One Country, Two Systems: Genesis and Transformation of a Chinese Key Concept), Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (Februar 2020).
Noesselt, Nele (2020), City Brains and Smart Urbanization: Regulating ‘Sharing Economy’ Innovation in China, Journal of Chinese Governance, DOI: 10.1080/23812346.2020.1762466.
Teets, Jessica/Noesselt, Nele (2020), The State of the Field for Governance and Policy Innovation in China, Journal of Chinese Governance,
Noesselt, Nele with Gansen, Ulrike/Miller, Martin/Seyferth, Jonas (2020), Konstitutionalisierungspro-zesse in der chinesischen Staatstheorie: Top-Down-Orchestrierung institutioneller Reformen (Processes of constitutionalization and Chinese Theory of the State: Top-Down Orchestration of Institutional Reforms), ASIEN, 152, 49-71.
Noesselt, Nele (2020), Introduction: China's New Silk Road Dreams, Berliner China-Hefte, 52, 3-6.
Noesselt, Nele/Hartmann, Christof (2020), China's New Silk Road and (Changing) State Trajectories in Africa, Berliner China-Hefte, 52, 133-143.
Noesselt, Nele (2019/2020), China's African Dream: Assessing China's New Strategy. In: Noesselt, Nele/Hartmann, Christof (eds.) (2019/2020), China's New Role in African Politics: From Non-Intervention towards Stabilization? London/New York: Routledge, 17-31.
Noesselt, Nele (2019), Diplomatischer Tanz auf dem Eis: China, Russland und die "Arktis-Seidenstraße" (Diplomatic Dancing on Ice: China, Russia, and the Artic Strategy), Rußland-Analysen, 374, 5-8.
Noesselt, Nele (2019), Über Pekings Afrika-Dilemma: Rollenkonflikte und geostrategische Machtkonkurrenz (Beijing's Africa Dilemma: Role Conflicts and Geo-Strategic Power Competition), Neue Gesellschaft/Frankfurter Hefte.
Noesselt, Nele (2019), China als Rüstungsakteur. Von Maos Papiertigern zu robusten Regenbögen (China as a Rising Arms Developer and Military Power: From Mao's Paper Tigers to Robust Rainbows), Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte.
Noesselt, Nele (2019), Sino–EU Cooperation 2.0: Toward a Global “Green” Strategy?, East Asian Community Review, 2:1&2, 39-55.
Noesselt, Nele (2019), New Political Cartography of Eurasia: China’s Belt and Road-Initiative—The Eurasian Economic Union—India’s New Silk Road. In: Li, Yuan/Taube,Markus (eds.) (2019), How China’s Silk Road Initiative is Changing the Global Economic Landscape. London; New York: Routledge.
Noesselt, Nele (2018), Strategische G(e)o-Politik der fünften chinesischen Führungsgeneration (Strategic G(e)o-Politics of the Fifth Generation of Chinese Political Leaders), Zeitschrift für Politik, 65:4, 438-454.
Noesselt, Nele (2018), Reinventing the Chinese “Leviathan”: Constitutionalizing Politics under Xi Jinping. In: Noesselt, Nele (ed.) (2018), Governance Innovation and Policy Change: Re-Calibrations of Chinese Politics under Xi Jinping. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 171-191.
Noesselt, Nele with Gansen, Ulrike /Miller, Martin/Seyferth, Jonas (2018), 人民的名义(Im Namen des Volkes) versus House of Cards: Polit-Serien als Legitimierungsinstrument aktueller chinesischer Reformpolitik (In the Name of the People versus House of Cards: Political Drama Series as an Instrument for Legitimizing Chinese Reform Politics), in: Switek, Niko (ed.) (2018), Politische
Erzählungen in Fernsehserien. Bielefeld: transcript, 327-343.
Noesselt, Nele (2018), Die "Neue Seidenstraße" – Zwischen Mythos und Geopolitik (The "New Silk Road" between Myth and Geo-Politics), Gesellschaft. Wirtschaft. Politik (GWP), 67:2, 189-199.
Noesselt, Nele (2018), Cuba: The Cornerstone for China's Latin America Strategy?, China Policy Institute Analysis.
Noesselt, Nele (2017), Ende der Neutralität: Pekings Doktrin der Nichteinmischung gilt für Afrika nicht mehr, Internationale Politik, 3, 107-113 (mit Christof Hartmann).
Noesselt, Nele (2017), Chinesische Perspektive auf die Flüchtlingskrise: “Chaos” in Europa? (Chinese Views on the Refugee Crisis: “Chaos” in Europe?). In: Bieber, Christoph/Blätte, Andreas/Korte, Karl-Rudolf/ Switek, Niko (eds.) (2017), Regieren in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft: Impulse zur Integrationsdebatte aus Sicht der Regierungsforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 145-152.
Noesselt, Nele (2017), Governance Change and Patterns of Continuity: Assessing China’s "New Normal", Journal of Chinese Political Science, 22:3, 341-355.
Noesselt, Nele (2016), Mapping the World from a Chinese Perspective?, in: Zhang, Yongjin/Chang, Teng-chi (eds.) (2016), Constructing a Chinese School of International Relations: Ongoing Debates and Sociological Realities. London; NewYork: Routledge, 98-112.
Noesselt, Nele (2016), Wie wird in China regiert? Von der KP eingesetzte Führungsgruppen koordinieren den Reformprozess, Internationale Politik, 4, 114-119.
Noesselt, Nele (2016), Chinesische Demokratiediskurse: Imaginationen von Governance im nationalen und internationalen Kontext (Chinese Debates on Democracy: Imaginations and Visions of Governance in the National and in the International Context), Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 51, 536-550.
Noesselt, Nele (2016), Contested Global Order(s): Rising Powers and the Re-Legitimation of Global Constitutionalization, International Journal on Constitutional Law, 14:3, 639-656.
Noesselt, Nele/Senghaas, Dieter (2016), "Neue Normalität" (xin changtai) und Re-Konfuzianisierung des chinesischen Marxismus: Die VR China auf der Suche nach einem neuen Konzept politischer Herrschaft (New Normal and the Re-Confucianization of Chinese Marxism), Leviathan, 44:4, 558-577.
Noesselt, Nele (2016), The European Union and China's Multidimensional Diplomacy: Strategic Triangulation?, European Foreign Affairs Review, 21 (October 2016), 11-27.
Noesselt, Nele (2015), China's Foreign Strategy After the 18th Party Congress: Business as Usual?, Journal of Chinese Political Science, 20:1, 17-33.
Noesselt, Nele (2015), Relegitimizing the Chinese Party-State: "Old" Sources of Modern Chinese Party Power, Asiatische Studien - Études Asiatiques, 69:1, 213-233.
Noesselt, Nele (2015), Revisiting the Debate on Constructing a Theory of International Relations with Chinese Characteristics, The China Quarterly, 222, 430-448.
Noesselt, Nele (2015), MarXismus auf chinesisch (MarXism in Chinese), Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, March 9, 2015.
Noesselt, Nele (2014), Microblogs and the Adaptation of the Chinese Party-State's Governance Strategy, Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institutions, 27:3, 449-468.
Noesselt, Nele (2014), Alexis de Tocqueville in China: Spiegeldebatten über Reformbedarf und Revolutionsgefahr (Alexis de Tocqueville in China: Mirror Debates on Reform Needs and the Risk of Revolution), Leviathan, 42:3, 346-362.
Noesselt, Nele (2014), Die Grenzen "nicht-westlicher" Theorien der Internationalen Beziehungen (The Limits of "Non-Western" Theories of International Relations), Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 21:1, 79-107.
Noesselt, Nele (2014), Internationale Dimensionen des "chinesischen" Internets (International Dimensions of the "Chinese" Internet), Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 21:1, 161-177.
Noesselt, Nele (2014), China's Contradictory Role(s) in World Politics: Decrypting China's North Korea Strategy, Third World Quarterly, 35:7, 1307-1325.
Research Interests
- World Order Fluctuations and Power Shifts
- Post-structuralist, Post-positivist Reflections on IR Theory
- National Role Theory & Global Role Contestations
- South-South Cooperation: Africa & China
- Visualized Narratives of (World) Politics
- H(uman)-AI Society
- Governance Innovation and Policy Learning
For an overview of my most recent lectures/seminars (MA/PhD level):