Research Team

► Bruna Bosi Moreira 
► Tanja Eckstein
► Jan Horstmann
► Dr. Connor Malloy
► Dr. Elizaveta Priupolina
► Dr. Giulia Romano
► Miquel Salvadó Gracia
► Jonas Seyferth
► Tanja Walter
► Han Xie
► Lucy Yang

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External research team members and research associates:

► Dr. Saskia Hieber 

Publications by Team Members (selection)

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Bosi Moreira, Bruna  et al. (2020), China's Role in Brazil’s Renewable-Energy Sector in Light of South-South Cooperation. In: Noesselt, Nele (ed.) (2020), China’s Interactions with Latin America and the Caribbean: Conquering the US’s strategic Backyard? Baden-Baden: Tectum/Nomos, 229–254.


Bosi Moreira, Bruna  (2020), Between Contention and Engagement: US Response to China's Rise in the Obama and Trump Administrations, Brazilian Journal of International Relations, DOI: 10.36311/2237-7743.2019.v8n3.07.p544


Malloy, Connor  (2020), Local Varieties of Olympic Wrestling – Mongolia, International Journal of Wrestling Science 10(1), 15–19.


Priupolina, Elizaveta (and Fan Yang) (2018), Decrypting Chinese Politics:  Critical Discourse Analysis Meets fsQCA. In: Noesselt, Nele (ed.), Governance Innovation and  Policy Change: Re-Calibrations of Chinese Politics under Xi Jinping. Lanham, MD: Lexington Press, 25–48.

Priupolina, Elizaveta (2021), Russian Methodological and Theoretical Approaches to the Analysis of Sino-Russian Relations in 1990s–2010s. In: Christoffersen, Gaye (ed.) (2021), Russia in the Indo-Pacific. New Approaches to Russian Foreign Policy. Routledge: London/New York, Chapter 11 (27 pages). 


Romano, Giulia C.  (2021), Understanding the Role of Culture in Policy Transfers. In: Porto de Oliveira, Osmany(ed.), Handbook of Policy Transfer, Diffusion and Circulation. Edward Elgar.


Romano, Giulia C. (2020), Changing Urban Renewal Policies in China. Policy Transfer and Policy Learning under Multiple Hierarchies. Palgrave Macmillan.


Romano, Giulia C. (2020), Poursuivre le développement durable dans une ville chinoise. L’Etat local chinois et l’incertitude: un aperçu à partir du cas de Yangzhou, Mondes en développement 3(191), 67–82. 


Seyferth, Jonas (co-authored with Gansen, Ulrike/Miller, Martin/Noesselt, Nele) (2018), Im Namen des Volkes versus House of Cards: Polit-Serien als Legitimierungsinstrument aktueller chinesischer Reformpolitik. In: Switek, Niko (Hrsg.): Politik in Fernsehserien. Bielefeld: transcript: 327–343. 


Seyferth, Jonas  (co-authored with Noesselt, Nele/Gansen, Ulrike/Miller, Martin) (2020), Konstitutionalisierungsprozesse in der chinesischen Staatstheorie: Top-Down-Orchestrierung institutioneller Reformen, Asien 152/153, 49–71.


Walter, Tanja (2020), Chinese Peacekeeping Forces: How China's New Commitment on the International Stage is Promoted by the Country's Film Industry, Berliner China-Hefte 52, 104–116.

Walter, Tanja (2021), Visual Narratives in Recruitment Campaigns: Promoting Military Service in the People’s Liberation Army and the Bundeswehr. In: Noesselt, Nele (ed.) (2021), Visualized Narratives: Signs, Symbols and Political Mythology in East Asia, Europe and the US. Baden-Baden: Tectum/Nomos, 135-156.

Xie, Han (2021), Presenting the History of Sino-Japanese Relations: The Visualization from a Chinese Entertainment Reality Show. In: Noesselt, Nele (ed.) (2021), Visualized Narratives: Signs, Symbols and Political Mythology in East Asia, Europe and the US. Baden-Baden: Tectum/Nomos, 71–87.

Yang, Lucy Xu (2021), Legitimacy through Narration: How Chinese Visions of Global Economic Governance Align with International and Domestic Expectations. In: Noesselt, Nele (ed.) (2021), Visualized Narratives: Signs, Symbols and Political Mythology in East Asia, Europe and the US. Baden-Baden: Tectum/Nomos, 89–110.

PhD Projects/PostDoc Research Projects

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Bosi Moreira, Bruna (PhD project, funded by CAPES): The Influence of China’s Energy Transition on its Rise in the International System

Eckstein, Tanja (PhD project): Changes in Sino-US Relations during the Xi Era: Chinese Self-representation, the Perception by the US and the Implications for US and Chinese Foreign Policy and Role Conceptions

Malloy, Connor  (PhD project, funded by DFG, completed 2019): Being Muslim in the Market: A Study of Huimin Communities in Two Chinese Cities

Priupolina, Elizaveta (PhD project, completed 2020): Changing Patterns of Sino-Russian Strategic Partnership: Mutual Perceptions and Strategic Debates

Romano, Giulia  (post-doctoral research project): "Community Governance" with Chinese Characteristics?  Learning from Abroad and Innovating for Elderly Care in China
(Project supported by the UDE's "Programm zur Förderung des exzellenten wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses")

Salvadó Gracia, Miquel (PhD project, funded by MERCUR/AREA Ruhr Graduate School): The PRC's Techno-Politics of Solar PV: The Case of South America

Seyferth, Jonas (PhD project): Partner, Konkurrent, Rivale? Deutsche Chinapolitik im Bundestag

Walter, Tanja  (PhD project): Chinese (non-) Interventions: A Comparative Analysis of Chinese Interventions in the Middle East and Africa

Han Xie (PhD project): National Roles and Nation Branding in the 21st Century: China, the United States, and US-China Relations